
7 September, 2023

PowerUp Podcast | Episode 2 – Kylie Bourjaily InnoCrew

Kylie Bourjaily on Innocrew and being a two time founder!

Special Guest: Kylie Bourjaily

In this episode of PowerUp Boston, Adam and Mike are joined by Kylie Bourjaily of InnoCrew and talk about her experiences being a founder of two companies in Boston, as well as building community and the unspoken stresses founders go through!


Find InnoCrew and everything they’re up to at theinnocrew.com & twitter.com/theinnocrew, as well as Kylie at twitter.com/KylieBourjaily.

Tech Superpowers will be at StartUp Week Boston 2023! Find us in the Founder track on Thursday at 2 PM!

Podcast Transcript:

[00:00:00] Adam: What’s up everyone? Welcome to another episode of PowerUp Boston, brought to you by Tech Superpowers where we connect with folks from the Boston startup and tech communities to discuss the scaleup journey. My name is Adam Fisk, and as always, we are joined today by Michael Oh. Hello. And today our guest, uh, somebody who also, we even had the luck of working with a lot at Tech Superpowers is Kylie Bourjaily. 

Kylie: Hello. Thank you so much for having me on. 

Adam: So, Kylie, similar to Matt Crane who we had, uh, had on a prior episode, we came to meet you via the kind of greater Boston Tech kind of events community. And I have to say again, thank you for coming to some of our events. It’s been great to be able to speak with you. Thank you for everything that you’re doing. But whereas Matt started in Boston and then left and then came back to Boston, you actually started outside of Boston and came here. 

Kylie: Yeah, so I’m originally from a really small town in the mountains of Arizona up in the northeastern part of the state. So kind of near New Mexico, kind of near Colorado, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. And I moved to Boston seven years ago, kind of on a whim just because I wasn’t enjoying Arizona. Um, I was 19 at the time and was kind of trying to figure out what I wanted out of life and I don’t know, just kind of thought about like, oh, it’d be nice to just build my own life somewhere else and kind of do my own thing. At the end of my freshman year of college, I decided to book a flight to Boston and come here for a weekend and just kind of check it out and ended up falling in love with the city. I had not really traveled much growing up, and so it was just an exciting adventure for me. I went back to Arizona and was like, well, I really like Boston, like maybe I should try to move there. And so that’s pretty much what I did. And I told myself that if I could find a job and a place to live that I would move to Boston and within two weeks I found a job and a place to live. I got a job as a live-in nanny and then literally two weeks later I moved here. I moved here with just a few hundred dollars and like my car and, uh, not much stuff and I was just kind of like rolling with it. Looking back, I probably should have thought about it more, but uh, thankfully it worked out for me. 

Adam: Exactly. If you go in it like too prepared, maybe the world doesn’t come to you in that same way, so Yeah. Yeah, I totally feel that. You came here, you came into Boston, you were a live-in nanny. How did you come from being a live-in nanny to the startup community? What was that path like? 

Kylie: So I did the live-in nanny thing for about a year. Um, and then I quit that just for various reasons. I kind of saw more potential in myself and just wanted to do something different. And so I moved into an apartment in the suburbs of Boston that I could barely afford, and I was trying to figure out what to do. I had been picking up a bunch of loose end like babysitting jobs, like running people’s errands, folding their laundry, et cetera. Started to realize that all of these things that I w as helping multiple families with wasn’t just the needs of these families. It was the needs of every busy parent. And so, bills are piling up and I’m trying to figure out like how do I support myself? Um, at this point, like I was 20 years old totally on my own, like no parental support, really just trying to figure out like how to be an adult and how to pay for health insurance. Like just survive, like basic survival. And so the more that I got to thinking about the stuff that I was doing for these families where I was like, okay, tons of families are, are dealing with this.

There’s so much going on inside the home that people don’t talk about. Just in terms of like, Taking care of your family and making sure the house is tidy and like figuring out where you should take a kid to summer camp. And so I decided to try and build a company around just helping families with all of this random stuff. That was my first introduction, I would say, into small business ownership entrepreneurship. I had done like non-profit stuff in high school, but other than that, like, I mean, I was 20, like I didn’t have a lot of experience doing, doing this stuff. I just built a website on Squarespace and started posting on Instagram that I was like starting this company. The word of mouth started to grow it. And I did that for a few years until the pandemic, and then once the pandemic happened, it kind of crashed and unfortunately I ended up deciding to shut the company down. 

It was just really difficult trying to figure out like, okay, I’ve pivoted a million times, like what do I do? Where do I go from here? And it sucks because the company was going really well. I was making great money. I was just kind of like, it was sad because I’d worked so hard for a few, like so many years to build this thing up and all of a sudden it was crumbling and I didn’t know how to navigate that. Like, I didn’t even know there was a startup community was not like, I didn’t have mentors. I had nobody like telling me what to do. Um, I had bootstrapped the whole thing, so I was really like on my own, just trying to navigate this whole process. I had pivoted just like. What felt like a thousand times for like a year and a half after the pandemic started and just ultimately was like getting to a point of this is holding me back and I need to be able to move forward.

And while I had been trying to figure out what to do with that company, I had started Marlow, which is the childcare company that I had, and I started that in the earlier days of the pandemic. So like May of 2020. So I started Marlow after I was listening to a press conference on the pandemic, as one did during the pandemic. 

Adam: Right? What else were you gonna do? 

Kylie: Exactly? The governor of Massachusetts was talking about the lack of childcare support, and I’m sitting there thinking, well, why don’t you do something about it? Like you’re the governor, you have resources and money and access. To make this problems better. I mean, it was pretty evident early on that like they weren’t gonna do anything about it. And so here’s me like sitting in my apartment trying to figure out what to do. My first company is failing. Like I literally have nothing going on. And I just decided like I’m gonna start a childcare company. I vividly remember texting my husband, this was on a Monday morning. I was like, I’m gonna start a childcare company. And he was like, uh, okay. Four days later, I had launched the company. I just simply built a website on Squarespace. Didn’t overthink it, like branded some stuff on Canva and was like, all right, let’s go. And then like a month or two later had 50 inquiries a month and we were onboarding clients and nannies and everything. And I mean, there’s just like so much adrenaline when you first start a company and then you get into like the depths of it and it becomes not so fun anymore. But that was just such a fun time and I sold that last fall. 

Adam: That’s awesome. 

Kylie: Thank you. 

Adam: In addition to that, the hits keep on coming in Innocrew when. I met you the first time and we were having the inaugural, our first Power Up Boston event, where we were talking about the kind of the state of events in the tech community, what we’re doing. And then I heard that you had been doing essentially dinner parties in your apartment, bringing the community, initially cooking for them. Like, I love to cook. Like this was, I was like, oh, damn, we could just do this. This is just a thing you can do.  Why don’t you tell us a little bit about, you know, crew, that kind of background and how that kind of became its own engine?

Kylie: Yeah, so, I referenced it a little bit, with Marlo, but just building a company, once you get into the depths of it, is not very fun. I had been hiring so many people and trying to navigate like, okay, like now I have to manage all these people. And then I, I once had to fire somebody. And like, how do you deal with that stuff? It can be really isolating and very lonely. Like in general, building a startup is really lonely and founder life is really lonely and I don’t think that it’s talked about enough. So I started posting on Twitter about, These things that I was feeling and struggling with, and to my surprise, a lot of people related. And I started getting a ton of messages from other founders being like, I relate, like I, I feel this too. I’m really struggling. Like I’m really depressed. And I could really relate to the depression part too. ’cause there were times where I could barely get outta bed because I was just like so unmotivated to do the work because it was so hard and because I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was just kind of figuring it out as I go, as many of us do. I don’t think anybody actually has it all figured out. I think everyone’s just like pretending to have it all figured out. And that’s unfortunate because then it, like, I think it gives this image of like, oh, entrepreneurship is so glamorous and it’s so exciting. And while that can be true, there are just so many things that you have to deal with when you’re building a company and when you’re growing and scaling that aren’t talked about, that, that can just be really difficult, um, on your mental health. Not to mention like tying your self-worth to your company. And like everything that comes with that, like I could go on and on about just like all the different things that like play into this. I started posting about this on Twitter. People resonated with it. Everyone was like, I wish there was something we could do about it. And so then I got to thinking, well, it can’t be that hard. Like we’re all feeling this, like maybe we can just talk about it. I decided to host a lunch and so I put on Twitter. I was like, I’m gonna host a lunch in Boston. Lemme know if you wanna come. Seven people showed up to Eataly. That was kind of the start of Innocrew except for the, I sat on it after that lunch. Everyone who came to the lunch said, oh, this is really refreshing. Would love to do it more often. And I was like, great, we’ll do it more often. But as most things go, you’ll say you’ll do it. And then you get busy and you know, it’s really hard to follow through with that. And a few months later I was finally like, alright, I gotta do something like this is clearly needed. And so in May of last year, I just decided to start hosting a dinner in my apartment. I was like doing it in my apartment. It’s cheap, easy, I can control the environment. Like let’s just give it a go. And I had also decided to commit to doing it monthly because I knew that if I wanted it to be successful, I had to do it regularly. And so since then I’ve been doing it every single month. We actually have one tonight, which I’m really excited for. But yeah, it’s been a blast, really just about providing founders space to talk about, I. The not so great stuff of entrepreneurship and also be able to provide them access to different resources and mentors and kind of point them in the right direction, especially if they’re new to Boston or trying to get more connected to the startup scene here. It’s a really great way for founders here to just find a community and kind of get going. 

Michael: So you came to Boston not really thinking you were gonna start a business and then you started a business.

Kylie: Yeah, I came to Boston not really having any plans. 

Michael: Right. Not having a plan, getting a job, having a place to live. That was the plan. Took care of the plan in two weeks and then I mean, then started a business. The pandemic clearly, you know, sort of wasn’t anything that anyone predicted and you had to deal with that. I think there’s so many stories I’ve heard over the years, I mean, since the pandemic of so many people that had struggles, right? Not only personally, emotionally dealing with this sort of collective trauma that we went through, but also like adding the business element to it, right? I mean, I think you cannot talk about how complex that is. Especially as a business owner, because at the same time as like, personally you’re scared that your grocery is gonna kill you. Like, you’re also having to sort of figure out what’s gonna happen to the business. what’s gonna happen to the employees, who’s gonna support them? How are you gonna make payroll? All this kind of stuff. Really wild time. I mean, I think it’s easy for us to sort of brush over that a little bit and be like, oh man, it was, you know, but it probably has like a PTSD element for business owners and for founders that went through that I mean and people in the tech sort of, you know, uh, community, but also just everyday businesses like service businesses like yours. It’s just a huge impact, right? Just not being able to show up, not being able to be in person to do things.

Kylie: Yeah. I mean, I had not even met the majority of the people that I was hiring. Like I would have Zoom interviews and then they would go out and work and like I met a few, like for a brief, brief period of time when they had to gimme like their paperwork to be hired, I’d be like meet me in my apartment lobby, please. And we’ll just like do a quick exchange. Thank you very much. I mean, just like the whole process of hiring people in general is a lot. And then doing so during the pandemic, right. I did not enjoy it, don’t wanna do that again. 

Michael: Well, you know, hearing your story, I mean, certainly it brings back some, some P T S D for me as well, but also I’m, I’ve just admire your grit. I think you know, that’s the thing that sort of comes through as you, as you sort of talk about this, like, okay, you know, something’s not working. Pivot, pivot, pivot. But ultimately to sort of say, look, I gotta try something new. That’s actually a pretty, pretty big step as a business owner that I think a lot of people, me included, I’ve been running this business for 30 years in different forms and fashion, you just hold on to this thing that you created because you created it. Right? Being able to let go of it is actually much harder. And I’m sure that’s probably a lot of the things that founders have to grapple with when something isn’t going well and you have to give it up like it’s a really tough choice.

Kylie: It really is. And like I said earlier, it kind of got to the point for me where it was starting to hold me back and acknowledging that and accepting that yeah, is very difficult because, like I said, for me, I started the company with I would say, pretty low expectations. I was like, I’m gonna say where like, I’m literally, I just needed to pay my bills. That was all I cared about. And then it ended up really exploding, which is such a blessing and I’m so grateful for that. But, then when it crashed, I was just not prepared for that at all. I didn’t even think that it was, that thought had never crossed my mind like, oh, this could go wrong. I was like, I’m making great money. Like I’m set for life through a lot of reflection. I have now come to accept that that was just a part of my story, and, and that chapter is now closed. But I remember when I put out the announcement about closing the company, I didn’t want to say that I was shutting it down. I was like, I am…I’m stopping for now  is essentially the message that I was putting out there because I didn’t want to believe that something that I had worked so hard to build and, and to grow and everything was essentially a failure. I didn’t really accept it until well after the fact. But even still, like putting that message out there of my priorities are shifting, really allowed me to move forward because I remember feeling so worried that I was going to let other people down because I was shutting it down. Like I think if I remember correctly, like I’ve been wanting to shut it down for months. My husband and I had so many conversations like, this is making you miserable, like you’re not happy. What is the point in continuing? And I was so worried about how other people would perceive me that I was keeping myself from moving forward. And I also know that like whatever I do in my career is not tied to my personal worth. And that took a lot of work to kind of untangle that and, and realize that and, and really create like a boundary between my career and my personal life because I think that is why I had such a hard time in terms of like publicly saying like, this isn’t working, like I’m done is because of course I was tying everything.. I was like, well, if my company’s a failure, I’m a failure, which is not the case like at all. 

Adam: No, and like as founders, as kind of folks who are really putting everything that they have into their companies, into their people, breaking up with a portion of yourself is not easy, especially with the kind of that word failure, having such a charged aspect to it. Failure is something that is a bad thing, not necessarily something that just happens. The pandemic very much happened. It changed everything and all of our kind of internal goals and what we were looking to do. They didn’t exist anymore. One of the interesting, or I guess quote unquote interesting things that I see a lot with, publications, articles, talking about startups, talking about the kind of scaling communities. They’re like, you’re seeing statistics on capital F, failure of being like your company will fail in two to five years if it didn’t. Congratulations. Which is, I think, I’m not a founder, but working with teams like this.. I feel like that sucks. That’s like a bad precedent to put out. 

Michael: It sucks, but like, it’s funny because, and I think Kylie, you’re sort of highlighting this in a way because that statistic has been around for ages and when I started my business that was, that was the case as well. And essentially it says 80 to 90% of your businesses fail in the first five years. That’s the only mention of failure. The narratives that are pervasive within sort of popular media, mainstream media, like all the startup, you know, it’s all about success, it’s all about the unicorns and even the failures. You just, it’s almost like their sort of other worldly failures. It’s like Adam, the guy that founded WeWork, you know, fell from this massive height and now he’s doing something next. They’renot real everyday stories of failure. And I think Kylie, what you sort of came upon and, and I’m sure as part of, you know, when you talk to other founders that have to deal with failure, it is a part, I mean, it’s such a huge part of, of business. It’s, it’s a huge part of entrepreneurship. I mean, it’s the whole point in a way of innovating is, you know what, it may not work. It might not do the thing that you want. You might not get product market fit. You might not find the VC at the right time to sort of help you launch. And people are not mentally prepared. They, they don’t, they’re nobody has told them, Hey, you need to think about this possibility. It’s always what happens if, you know, you get your funding and you do this.

Kylie: Yeah. I think my first instinct is to be like, ignore the noise. Don’t think about failure. But on the other hand, I think it is going to be a little bit more proactive, and be like, all right, like, what, what could go wrong and what am I gonna do if it doesn’t work out right, you know? But I think it’s hard because when you’re building or when you decide to start a company, You need to be wildly passionate about it, and you need to believe more than anyone else that it’s gonna work out. And so it’s really hard to think about failure in, in, in those times. It could be good to think about failure at the same time, like don’t, don’t let it like hold you down and hold you back. 

Adam: Going back to what you had mentioned earlier, Kylie, where it’s like that feeling of isolation, the feeling of kind of stress, it’s not talked about. It’s something that you try to hide away because yes, we should always be, assume success, assume that we’re gonna keep on going. But in the community with Innocrew, with the folks that you’ve been talking to, how can we be there for founders, for operators where. You have to start asking yourself those difficult questions of how many times more can I just physically and emotionally pivot before I have to stop for now, before I have to graduate to something else?

Kylie: I think for me, the biggest thing is providing, just providing an environment where founders feel comfortable talking about the struggles that they’re going through. And I’m not talking like sit down and like, let’s talk about our feelings and like how awful everything is, but just like being very candid about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship because one day things could be amazing. The next day things could all like, everything could feel like it’s falling apart and it can go up and down every day, if not every hour. I remember some days I’d wake up feeling like, oh, this is gonna be the best day. Like I’m feeling motivated. 10 o’clock rolls around, I have this bad meeting and then by one o’clock I’m great again. Like, you know what mean? So like it really does as a flow. Just providing them an environment where they will feel comfortable and feel heard, um, and not feel like a failure just for sharing the tough stuff. Because I think that’s another thing too that I know I struggled with was are people going to perceive me as not knowing anything or dumb because I’m struggling? Like, how ridiculous is it that I thought that? And now I’m not afraid at all and like I’m super open about just struggles in general and, um, my personal and professional life. But I think that if I had had a community where I just knew that like people were open to having those types of conversations, it would’ve been a lot easier.

Michael: I mean, the great thing about founders and people with your mindset and anyone in the sort of innovation sort of space is that they’re problem solvers, right? And so if you put a problem in front of them, be it a professional problem, a personal problem, or even like, look, this is what my business is going through, I don’t quite understand it. Like there’s so much that. Other founders do want to tell about their journey that might help you to solve that problem. So I think it’s great. I mean, I think that is exactly what’s needed is a place to share the issues, to sort of feel safe in sharing these things. Feel that they’re not judged. Things didn’t quite go the way that I predicted. Well, guess what? That is like 100% the experience of owning your own business. 

Kylie: Yeah, for sure. I think the other thing too that I just wanna touch on is the importance of mentorship, and that’s something that I really have been prioritizing lately at Innocrew is how do we get up and coming early stage founders connected with more seasoned professionals and people who have been through it, because those one-on-one conversations are what have changed my perspective and the way that I think about business and startups and just like just life in general. While it is great to have a community, it’s also really nice to have, you know, one or two people that you can really lean on. I wish that I had prioritized finding mentors earlier in my startup career just because I think it would’ve made my life a little bit easier. But now I know and now I can help other people’s who earlier on, right, you know, not miss out on, on having those types of conversations and that type of support.

Michael: And I love that the sort of way that you’re creating this is an open community. Because I think, and we talked about this with Matt, that a lot of these conversations do happen, a lot of the mentorships do happen, but they’re behind closed doors in VCs, in firms that sort of have these portfolios and these people that they can refer you to.But they are like, you already have to be a member of the club, right? And it’s like, So many of us aren’t, right? We’re not in that world. We haven’t sort of gotten that series A and have all of these amazing resources available to us. So it’s great. I think that you’re sort of constructing a lot of the same resources, you know for everyone that’s, that’s in this sort of startup journey.

Kylie: Yeah. Thank you. I think that it’s probably the small town in me, um, where I’m like, I have an open door policy guys for total strangers that I’ve never met. I do vet, vet the people, like I look at their LinkedIn and Google them, but sometimes I’m like all. What am I doing here? But it’s working and I do think that having a more open policy in the sense that like I am, I will welcome you as long as you are actively building a company. Like there is no barrier to entry, which I think is huge because say you’re an aspiring founder who’s like just left corporate world. I have a neighbor for example, who just quit her corporate job and wants to pursue entrepreneurship and she’s come to a few of the dinners and like the dinners are wha I think really encouraged her to, to pursue what she actually wants to do because she was able to see that there is a community, see that there are people who are willing to help her and support her and enabled her to like take that leap of faith essentially.

Adam:  That’s awesome. So you had mentioned earlier that when the lunch started, when the dinner started, it was that open call on Twitter. Twitter is very much different now. Uh, to say the least. I’m sorry, X is very different now. But even from like my perspective as like a quasi outsider, the. I know at least the IT and technology community is incredibly small. Sometimes in Boston, everybody knows everybody. Where are those conversations happening now on your end to say, Hey, you don’t know this person’s name. You’re about to meet who they are. This is how you can be able to find yourself as a part of the community without maybe getting hit as much by that imposter syndrome of, oh, I’m new or relatively new. I don’t know who you are. I don’t know these names, or, I’m not in that trendy startup space. How can I still feel a part of the community?

Kylie: So there are a ton of great resources for founders here in Boston, um, to find out about events. Obviously shameless plug Innocrew has an events column on the website where I link pages to R C P to various events that are happening throughout the city. Startup of Boston is a great resource. Venture Lane Venture Cafe. They do a ton of events. I know they have, like, I think every Thursday they do an event that’s super open. Um, you can go whether or not you’re building a company or you’re, you’re an aspiring founder, super early looking for a co-founder. I know that they have a lot of great resources there. But just in general, I would, I would say the best way to get connected if you’re not already connected, is to just show up and show up as yourself and not worry about feeling like you don’t fit in or belong. I remember the first networking event that I went to. I attempted to talk to three people and then hid in the bathroom the rest of the event because I was so mortified. I was like, these people don’t wanna talk to me. I have nothing to prove. Like I just like did not, I didn’t feel like I had enough substance in my career and I wish that I had just kind of forced myself to engage more in conversation rather than chickening out. But from my experience now, I feel like the startup community. I was a lot more welcoming than that one event that I went to. And so if you show up and just intro, like go out to people and introduce yourself, people will say hi and have a conversation with you and that’s awesome.  

[00:26:03] Adam: I did go to an event that, uh, was a couple months ago. It was a kind of cold, very misty, rainy day. And it was like the three interesting people events that Scott Kirschner was doing. It was really, really funny. It was the first one I had went to. So I had like all these like preconceived notions and like creating little scripts in my head of like, Hey, how am I gonna try to tell somebody, A what tech superpowers does what I do? And like, I got myself so worked up. But what was really. And heartening about that is how many people just came up and were like, so what do you do? Who are you? I see you’re wearing a t-shirt. What does that mean? And I’m like, oh, okay, cool. I don’t, I don’t necessarily have to break the ice on every single person. You find the little group and then you see everyone kind of bopping around, kind of being like, Hey, this is what I’m looking for. This is who I’m trying to talk to. Are you them? And that was, that was awesome.

[00:26:54] Kylie: Exactly. Yeah. I think that everybody is willing to help and if you don’t know anybody, just walk up to people. I was recently talking to somebody and they said that if I’m ever nervous at an event, I should just walk up and say my first and last name, put out a handshake and nothing else. Apparently that leaves a very strong impression. So if I ever did that at an event, uh, whoever is listening to this, just know it’s because I’m nervous.

Adam: Please take that as that invitation to say, cool, nice to meet you. What do you do? 

Michael: Yeah, exactly. So, so speaking of events, did I see that you’re a speaker at Startup Week, Boston? 

Kylie: I’m moderating a panel on. The topic is on delegating as your startup is scaling, and I’m very excited to do that. That’ll be very fun and I think it’s a very important conversation too. Delegating is something that I really struggled with as a founder, and so I am very excited to hear what the panelists have to say. 

Michael: Yeah. Delegating is one of the toughest, toughest things to do. I mean, I think it’s part of, once again, that sort of myth of the entrepreneur. You have to be able to do all of these things, but I think the most effective ones are people that actually go into it understanding what their weaknesses are, understanding what they just simply don’t have time for. Right. You might be a really smart person that can do so many things, but you know, just because you can add numbers doesn’t mean you should be doing the books. Right? And, just understanding some of those fundamentals to begin with is, is great. So that, that’s a great topic where, where you have a, uh, a little talk as well at startup week, Boston. So we’re, we’re looking forward to seeing you there. 

Kylie: Wonderful. That’s very exciting. 

Adam: Now, to kind of wrap up with a lot of what we’ve been talking about today, given your experience with Innocrew given your experience with both family and Marlo, what would you say is the biggest piece of advice that you could give a founder in the first opening years of their journey when they’re really just trying to figure out who they are, what they’re doing?

Kylie: I would say don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Whether that be mentorship, support, help with a problem. Somebody when I was, I think I was like 15, told me that nobody’s a mind reader. And if you want to make any progress, uh, with anyone or anything, like, you have to be willing to ask and be willing to be vulnerable about your needs. And so that is my biggest piece of advice. I don’t think it’s very common advice, but I just think it’s really important. 

Michael: So I’ll ask the question, what, what does Incr need? What do you see it evolving into? What do you, what would you love for it to become? 

[00:29:28] Kylie: Yeah, I have so many thoughts on this. So for the last year plus a few months, I’ve been just building out the community and things have been going really well and kind of been expanding upon just beyond doing the dinner just in my apartment, which is really exciting. I’m really looking forward to getting more into the mentorship stuff and being able to match people like I referenced earlier, with more seasoned professionals and people who have been through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and are really able to provide valuable [00:30:00] insights to earlier stage founders that we have at in the community. And also too, just providing in general founders with the support and the resources that they need to get to the next step. Just been trying to gather like, what do you guys actually need? Beyond just like free food and a nice community 

Adam: Like that probably helps a lot. So yeah. 

[00:30:20] Kylie: yeah, it does help a lot. But now I’m like, all right, we’ve got this awesome community. Got several hundred founders in Boston onboarded already, and then others just kind of like throughout the country, what do I do with these people now that I have that, that, you know, they keep coming back. It started as a side gig. We’ll see where it end up. It’s been great for me too, because post selling Marlow, I was like, all right. Um, what am I doing? And it’s been a great way for me to stay in the know, stay a part of the community without having to start another company which has been awesome because I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet. So I’ve been enjoying like half taking a break, traveling all summer and supporting founders.

Adam: Well, thank you again for everything today, Kylie, and that is the time that we have on this episode of The Power Up Boston. Thank you again for listening to us and we’ll be back at it again soon with another fantastic guest. In the meantime, you can find everything that TSP is up to over on Instagram at @Techsuperpowers and at our website, tsp.me. And by the time this airs, I think we will be getting really, really close, if not the week of our event over at Startup Week Boston. We will be there on Thursday at 2:00 PM Please feel free to jump by. But in terms of other plugs, uh, where can people find you, find Innocrew and all the stuff that you have going on. 

Kylie: So all of the Innocrew social media accounts are at theinnocrew and our website is innocrew.com. And then my personal social are at kyliebourjailey.

Adam: Awesome. Well thank you again and from everyone over here at Tech Superpowers, we’ll talk to you soon.

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