If you’re looking for ‘good-enough’ then that’s not us

We’re different.
It’s a good thing.

You’ve heard this before, perhaps. But this isn’t a sales pitch. See for yourself if we’re a good fit.

Check out our Boston based IT support:

Guaranteed Response Times.

Every issue isn’t the same. Our helpdesk functions like a triage center, with our staff ensuring that the most critical issues get prioritized and solved quickly. Even the minor scrapes and bruises get seen quickly, but rest assured that if you have an urgent issue – especially one having to do with cybersecurity – we’ll get right on it.

Regular Touchpoints.

When you’re happy, we’re happy. And we know that the key to happiness (at least in Boston IT support) is communication. We don’t sell you on services full of tech terms, sign a contract, and then hide in our server closets. We’re always in communication and always asking for feedback. With regular calls, video conferences, and surveys – we want to know how we’re doing and what we can do to make you happier.


IT problems, just like people, come in all shapes and sizes. Most companies have a work force with varying degrees of computer knowledge. For us, it is important to support every employee where they are, whether that is right back to the basics or, for the fairly proficient, we will skip the unnecessary steps. We will meet you where you’re at.


We know that your venture isn’t like any other. One month you might be three people in a coworking space, the next month you’re signing a lease for an office of your own and onboarding a dozen employees. We thrive on being your agile Boston IT support partner, tapping in new resources when things are flowing over. Need a cookie cutter solution? That won’t be us.


You’ll know us (all of us) and we’ll know you and your systems. We resist getting too big. In our experience that is when service goes downhill. Inevitably you end up with techs who don’t know you or your systems, and the trouble rolls on from there. We turn down at least 50% of new business in order to stay small and provide the very best service. That means when you use our outsourced IT support, you know who’s answering the phone.

Systems driven.

You might have heard the saying, “Without standards, there can be no improvement.” For us, everything from server maintenance down to a password reset, is backed by tried and true processes – our standard operating procedures (SOPs). No task is too small to get an SOP. In fact, we have over 800 of them – perhaps you might consider us perfectionists.

Same ownership for 30 years.

As anyone who’s started a business knows, having the same ownership of the same business for 30 years is something of an achievement (check out the history of Tech Superpowers). Not to toot our own horn, but we think this is part of the reason our clients like us. We’re here, and we’re not going anywhere.

Team of

We’ve been in the part of the IT support Boston industry before it was even an industry. Perhaps that makes us seem old? Good. We’ve seen it all. We’ve helped our clients win awards, launch new services, and even beat the pandemic. We make what’s complex simple by bringing our team’s depth of knowledge and experience to help you solve an essential problem with a simple solution.